Bare Minimum to Get Into Airsoft

Bare Minimum to Get Into Airsoft

Beginner'southward Guide - Introduction

Airsoft skirmishing, often referred to equally simply 'airsoft', is a live combat simulation in which ii or more teams are pitched confronting each other in a game of fitness, skill, decision, tactics, psychology and wits. Players boxing with each other with replica firearms which fire small, light plastic pellets at loftier speed (normally firing around 15 BBs per 2nd and up to 350 feet per 2d muzzle velocity).

The realistic playing surface area, mission, equipment and wear all add to the intensity and pause of disbelief; in an airsoft game yous tin get a genuine sense of a real battleground. If you have ever wanted to play out the excitement of a state of war movie or figurer game for real and so this is your chance! Airsoft is excellent fun but it as well builds confidence, fettle, teamwork, introduces you lot to new friends and almost importantly gets yous out of the business firm.

Airsoft is the perfect answer for the modern British lifestyle; it allows you the rare opportunity to release pent up energy, escape the pressures of everyday life for a few hours and gain a sense of customs. These positive ethics of field of study, physical practise and team spirit far outweigh any concerns over simulating existent firearms.

This guide has been written by the players that run United Kingdom Airsoft Players Marriage, and so all of the information in this guide has been gleaned from decades of outset mitt experience. It has been written to help new British players get involved in the airsoft hobby. The survival of any sport or pastime is dependent on the continual induction of new enthusiasts. Most players know this and are more than happy to welcome and advise beginners. The British airsoft scene is bigger than it has ever been, merely with anti-gun sentiment in the media, convoluted laws and a public which is wary of anything firearm related, new players can find it is hard to get into the hobby.

Much information in this guide will be of use to new players from outside the United kingdom, merely delight bear in mind that the emphasis is on helping people go into the British skirmish scene.


Surprisingly, airsoft is a relatively inexpensive hobby to get involved in, especially when compared to other outdoor activities. Enough ammunition for a total days play (about 3000 BB's) volition cost £viii-£12, and a very effective airsoft replica (a Chinese 'clone' AEG) can be bought for £150. Information technology ordinarily costs £20-£30 for access to a day game. To rent a replica and face protection usually costs another £20. For such a fantastic total 24-hour interval out this is a very favourable cost. All you lot demand to plough up with is some dark or military-fashion vesture and we recommend existence study boots with talocrural joint protection too as gloves. When you get into the hobby you could easily find yourself spending thousands each twelvemonth on posh replicas and kit, but this is personal preference; in reality skill volition always win the day and this high end equipment only gives yous a marginal advantage over someone who has spent the bare minimum.

Basic Rules

The cadre of airsoft is honesty. When yous are 'dead' you count as having been killed or incapacitated so that you may no longer participate in the boxing until 're-spawned' or 'tagged in'.

You must shout "Hitting!", raise your arms and return to the respawn betoken, where mostly you will be able to rejoin the game after a period of time, meaning new players needn't worry about being killed early in the game and spending the day saturday around similar you often practise in paintball. Sometimes you must stay 'dead' on the spot until healed by a 'medic'. Other times you will take to wait for the next game to play again.

Respawn points (where y'all rejoin the game from after being hit) and medics tin as well be combined with allocating the player a limited number of 'lives'. All rules are at the discretion of the game organiser and you'll come across many variants and combinations, which keeps the games different and interesting.

The most common style of being 'killed' is when a BB fired from another person'south airsoft replica strikes your body. It does not count if it rebounds off of some other surface, but a straight shot always counts. Whether it hits you hard or soft, or hits kit or limbs or armour, it's all the same, you are dead.

There is no concrete evidence that you have been striking, then it is downward to yous to acknowledge information technology and remove yourself from the game. People who habitually crook soon go establish out, as experienced players take a good thought of when they have hit someone. They will report the fact to a marshal who will and so monitor the offender closely (although a more usual problem in airsoft is people assuming they accept hit someone and making faux accusations!)

Another fashion of being 'killed' is past pyrotechnics such as booby traps, simulated arms or more commonly, grenades. Airsoft grenades are usually thrown devices which detonate a blank cartridge or are small single utilize pyrotechnics produced for airsoft, which you lot purchase on site for nigh £ii.l each.

If you are within a set radius of an explosive when it detonates, you are out. You will be informed of the radius by the marshals before the game begins, but is ordinarily three meters. In a building, a grenade volition commonly count as eliminating all of the people in a room regardless of distance or cover.

Smoke grenades are available, when ignited these produce a cloud of smoke which you lot can utilise to embrace yourself from enemy sight.

Does it hurt?

One of the first things people want to know near airsoft is how much it hurts.

The amount of pain y'all receive from a hit is totally dependent on your altitude to the firer and where the BB hits you. If hit on exposed skin at close range it won't penetrate your skin but it can depict blood, leave a red marking or really sting! At longer ranges you tin exist hard pressed to even tell yous have been hit so must become enlightened of what a calorie-free hit sounds and feels like. Most of the time a hit to a vulnerable area feels like getting whacked on the skin by a rubber band; quite a sharp pain that can make you jump, but fades almost instantly, certainly a hit which y'all are still aware of a minute afterward is unusual. Unlike paintball, airsoft volition not get out huge sore bruises. You will observe that having to "take the initiative" and charge into an enemy position in the face up of potentially painful return fire is what makes airsoft feel a k times more than real than playing a computer game!

It's not unheard of for people to suffer broken bones or impact injuries from falls merely this is only to be expected in a high intensity game played over sometimes arduous terrain. Injuries are far less common than in mountain biking or football, for example. Airsoft game organisers do brand every effort to mitigate take a chance, as such injuries are rare simply when it comes down to information technology airsoft is an backbreaking outdoors sport that favours tough people!


A good standard of fitness in airsoft volition certainly help you to win games. There are many people who are concerned that they might exist as well unfit to play airsoft, just this is not the example. If yous are struggling to keep upwards so you can e'er decide to hang back and defend a static position, or in the worst instance scenario you can driblet out of play for equally long as you desire to and accept a breather in the safe zone. Plenty of unfit people come to games and of course they are improving their health every fourth dimension they practice and then, even more so if they push button themselves, so poor personal fettle isn't something which should discourage yous from coming along.


Airsoft games are express only by the game organiser'southward imagination. They tin can range from live action role-play, weeklong continual games, science fiction games, fighting off zombie hordes, to banking concern robberies, historic re-enactments, full simulation of mod operations and everything in between. UK sites ordinarily play 40 minute games with a ready objective to hold or retrieve and a start/respawn signal for each team.

As information technology happens the UK has some of the highest standard of airsoft sites in the world – lucky yous! Even in the US and Hong Kong, where they have very well founded airsoft communities, they consider British airsoft games to be some of the all-time. Then when you turn upwards at a United kingdom site you can never really know what the game organiser, and the enemy team, has in shop for you!

Airsoft Playing Sites

Organised game areas are nigh unlimited in their scope and terrain. Traditional 'woodland' sites are usually based in a private wooded surface area in the countryside, with a few temporary structures and objectives to fight over. Woodland sites tin go muddy and sometimes involve arduous terrain, but offer great opportunities to blend into your surroundings and utilize field craft skills to outmanoeuvre and engage the enemy.

You volition also find 'urban' sites, which may be based in old warehouses, office blocks, hospitals, military camps, power stations or fifty-fifty nuclear bunkers. These require a different mode of play, and some special equipment such as torches can be of groovy help.

About games will be typically held on a Sunday from 9am to 4pm. Games will very rarely be cancelled because the weather condition, then in this country you must always exist ready to play in the pelting and cold!

In that location are over 150 skirmish sites in the Uk, and this number is always increasing. Sites volition either exist operated by a team of local airsoft enthusiasts or a franchise that owns multiple sites and/or shops.

Sites can be found throughout England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and on the Crown Dependencies of the Isle of mann and Guernsey. In that location are sites bachelor in almost every European country, if yous wanted to play abroad.

Well run sites have public and employers liability insurance, toilets, water replenishment points, defended experienced marshals, a covered safe zone and outset help facilities.

It is legal to organise your own game on privately endemic state that is away from the public, but there are many laws and risks which take to be considered. UKAPU recommends that y'all play at organised sites, peculiarly when you lot are new to the hobby and unaware of all the issues. If you were to make a mistake in organising your ain game, which resulted in an injury or criminal charges, or offence to local people, then it could hands exist picked upwards by the media and hurt the whole hobby.

Airsoft Shops

There are many dedicated airsoft retailers in the Britain, some focus on on-line sales and others have physical shops. They may also also sell surplus, airsoft specific, later market place or reproduction armed forces gear. Have a expect on the member benefits tab on this website for a list of great retailers who will provide UKAPU members with discounts and offers.

The United Kingdom Airsoft Retailers Association (UKARA) is a body which represents airsoft retailers. They administer a database which you can be registered on once you have become a skirmish site member. UKARA retailers tin can then check this database when you desire to purchase a RIF (a Realistic Imitation Firearm), which upholds their legal obligation to ensure that they only sell RIFs to airsoft skirmishers. Information technology is besides common for UK players to purchase airsoft equipment from big shops in Hong Kong.


Players oftentimes casually affiliate themselves with their local site and also class teams who play and fight together. Teams tin can be vary from being well drilled and with coordinated compatible to just a group of friends who become to games.

Players are represented by our arrangement, the United Kingdom Airsoft Players Union (UKAPU). We stand for players rights and let their views to be taken into account.

The media, government and public tin can be surprisingly hostile to airsoft and many people want to run across airsoft banned for spurious reasons. UKAPU tin and does successfully work to counteract this negativity, but nosotros are only stiff when we have lots of members, which is why we ask that you lot join us when you lot start playing.

Since yous're here, reading an article on the UKAPU website, why don't you consider joining once you find your feet?

Online Resources

Another important function of the UK airsoft customs is the spider web. In that location are one-half a dozen large web forums, some popular news sites, Reddit and Facebook communities. The big amount of traffic on these spider web forums can be deceiving; in actual fact the large majority of airsoft players don't use them. Nevertheless, they are a great way to observe out near the hobby and research equipment earlier purchasing.

Please view UKAPU's links page for a curtailed listing of slap-up spider web links.

Global Airsoft

The honour based and high tech game of airsoft unsurprisingly came from Japan. In the 70's they started using 6mm automatic airsoft replicas powered past external gas bottles as an alternative to paintball. The hobby's popularity increased in Japan throughout the 80'due south and several manufacturers started producing skirmishing equipment.

In the early 90's Tokyo Marui produced an automatic electric gun (AEG) that ran on radio control motorcar batteries, the convenience and effectiveness of which opened the doors for airsoft to spread globally. The Hong Kong airsoft scene is one of the largest outside Nihon and virtually airsoft trading around the globe is done through the many HK warehouses and distributors. In the early 00's other manufacturers began to copy Tokyo Marui'south AEG blueprint. This, plus advances in calculator design and production techniques, has allowed  Taiwanese, Chinese and Japanese manufacturers to turn out a bewildering array of airsoft replicas to suit all budgets. If yous tin call up of a real gun, in that location is probably an airsoft version or conversion kit available to replicate it.

Airsoft had been played somewhat under the radar in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland since the early on 80'southward, but in the mid xc's lots of organised sites were created, the profile of airsoft increased and since then the hobby has grown at an exponential rate, despite hostile legislation.

Ownership Airsoft Replicas and the VCRA

Chances are you are very nifty to purchase an airsoft replica (if yous have not done and then already).  In 2007 a bill was enacted called the violent law-breaking reduction deed, or VCRA. Before this act you lot could walk into a shop and buy an airsoft replica. At present things are a picayune more complicated simply RIF's (Realistic Faux Firearms) are withal bachelor to almost anybody, if they get involved in airsoft.

A few sections of the VCRA focus on banning the sale and purchase (but not ownership) of RIFs, a category which includes realistically coloured airsoft replicas. After the airsoft community won the long boxing confronting the government and because the abuse of replica firearms was nothing to practice with replicas sold to airsoft skirmishers, the government allowed airsoft skirmishers and a few other groups a 'specific defence' against the human action which immune us to continue buying RIF's. So if you lot are a skirmisher, y'all are immune to buy airsoft replicas without restriction. You can become them from retailers in the UK, import them from overseas and buy them from to swain skirmishers.

There are a number of interpretations as to what a skirmisher is. The most unremarkably accepted and safe method of condign one is to nourish 3 games at the same site over a time period of more than than 2 months (so all 3 games can't be within ii months). Once you have done this, you may become a member of that skirmish site. To register on the UKARA database you must exercise the above at a UKARA registered site. You can send an application grade off to a UKARA retailer once it has been stamped by your site and y'all volition and so be placed on the database. Yous can then purchase airsoft replicas from any UKARA retailer as they can instantly bank check that you are a site member by logging in to the database. UKARA registration is absolutely non mandatory for those wishing to purchase RIF'due south, simply information technology at that place is no toll to add your details to their database (not to be confused with the membership fees which are charged by your site, if whatsoever). Just remember, site membership is the simply thing that counts legally speaking, UKARA registration is meaningless in law.

Ownership your first airsoft replica from a specialist United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland airsoft shop is a proficient idea as they can help you choice the right replica and you are legally entitled to a refund if it is faulty and breaks within the showtime few games. Many shops will sort new players out with a starter packet of magazines, batteries, a charger and a mask so be sure to ask them if they will do you a special deal. If not, store around (call up to have a wait at the list of shops which provide UKAPU fellow member discounts and offers)!

Skirmishers can import airsoft replicas from overseas shops, but you must be able to prove that yous are an airsoft skirmisher. UK Edge Agency are able to check the UKARA database but if yous are not registered with UKARA then Edge Bureau will often cheque directly with the owner of the site of which you are a member.

Second hand airsoft replicas can often be bought from web forums and at sites. These are, by and large, in good condition and can exist bought for a meaning reduction from the new price. Again, the seller can ask a shop to cheque the UKARA database, but the verification which the seller will accept is entirely their decision. The seller could face up criminal charges if they sold the RIF to a not skirmisher. Verifying entitlement to the specific defense force is something which must exist taken seriously. Many excellent 2d manus replicas can exist constitute on the web forums listed on our links page. Ownership a replica at a playing site is easier than doing it over the net as the seller can see y'all playing a game and can encounter that you are buying information technology to use in a game, then they don't won't require further verification.

Keeping a diary of games y'all have attended, signed by the game organiser, may aid to evidence that you are a skirmisher. Information technology certainly doesn't injure to accept your own paper record to refer to. A 'skirmish diary' is as well a nice record to keep.

If you are non yet a skirmisher then you are able to purchase 'IFs', which is an imitation firearm. IFs are regular airsoft replicas, but with the bodies painted in a bright colour or with a transparent body. These are frequently chosen two-tones. Once you are officially regarded as a skirmisher, you are immune to paint them a realistic color, or supersede external parts with those which await more realistic. As you merely have to attend 3 games, during which time you tin can brand an informed decision about which replica you want, it is a much better idea to put off ownership an airsoft replica until you lot are allowed to buy a RIF.

If y'all are under 18 you cannot legally purchase a RIF or IF, no exceptions. You lot tin however, at any age, legally exist given a RIF as a souvenir by an developed who is entitled to the specific defence. You lot tin also be gifted an IF by an adult who is not entitled to the specific defense force, hence the trend for younger players using IF's gifted to them by non skirmishing parents, to avoid having to rent a replica until they turn eighteen. Under xviii's are allowed to 'manufacture' RIFs once they are entitled to the defence force, that means to say that they themselves tin can pigment their ii tone black once they have become a skirmisher (many sites have junior membership schemes).

Being a fellow member of the Law or armed forces changes nothing as regards the VCRA if you lot volition exist purchasing them for individual employ at skirmishes. Firearms licence holders are too no more than entitled than anyone else. The exception is if they are being purchased by a police enforcement arrangement for training purposes.

UKAPU members are encouraged to transport an electronic mail to ane of the addresses on our contact page if they are still unsure of how to comply with the VCRA.

Power Limits and the Firearms Deed

In England, Wales and Scotland, with the commencement of the Policing and Law-breaking Human activity 2017, the Firearms Act 1968 has been amended to define maximum ability levels that Airsoft replicas are allowed to have.

Exceeding any of these limits could ultimately upshot in a prison house sentence, depending on what has been exceeded.

In Northern Ireland, there is no specific exception for Airsoft – in this locality the maximum is 1J (as in Japan, Italian republic), although information technology is the intention of UKAPU and other organisations to resume lobbying/campaigning for a 1.3J/ii.5J once the Stormont crisis has been resolved.

Locality Max FPS for auto Max FPS for semi
England, Wales 1.3J 374fps ﹫ 0.20g ii.5J 518fps ﹫ 0.20g
Scotland 1.3J 374fps ﹫ 0.20g 2.5J 518fps ﹫ 0.20g
Northern Ireland 1.0J 328fps ﹫ 0.20g 1.0J 328fps ﹫ 0.20g

Other Applicative Laws

Most importantly to us skirmishers, it is an offence to brandish a replica firearm in a public place, or get out it in a place where it may be seen by the public. This nonetheless applies if the general shape of the replica tin be deduced through its packaging, which is a very adept reason to purchase a gun case (as well this will protect it in transit). Y'all can utilise the original box that your replica came in, but these are bulky and of class accept a picture of a gun on the outside which must exist obscured. When transporting an airsoft replica you must have a valid reason to have it in public (even when it is fully covered). Taking it to a game, or to a store to set it are examples of valid reasons. You should carry the contact number for the airsoft game director and then, if you lot are stopped, the police officer tin verify that yous are on your style to a game. Showing a replica in public will cause alarm and will help the people who want to ban our hobby.

Needless to say it is a criminal offence to fire an airsoft replica at a not consenting person, or at an animal. You volition also more than likely be banned from sites and ostracised from be a source of mockery for the community.

Information technology is not illegal to display your airsoft replicas in your business firm, only if they can be seen through a window it could lead to you beingness reported to the police force by a worried passer by, or y'all house being burgled and your equipment stolen.

If you accept a run in with the Police force which involves airsoft replicas it is quite possible that they will exist ignorant of airsoft related police. Sadly, poorly conceived new laws are introduced by politicians at a fast rate and often officers are not fairly trained on how to implement them. It is still extremely rare that skirmishers draw the attention of the Police through legitimate activities. When police officers practise get involved they are highly probable to be amicable and fair if you lot are cooperative and polite in return. If yous do observe yourself unfairly persecuted, which does happen, get in touch with UKAPU. We tin't always detect time to help not members, simply we ever have our members backs.

All of the above laws apply to IFs (two tones) also. They may look like toys merely they are non toys in the eyes of the law.

If yous would like to larn more near said legislation, please feel gratis to have a look at our Legislation FAQ, or if you would like to see formal definitions of the laws that cover Airsoft in the Britain, please refer to our collection of legal documentation.

Types of Airsoft Replica

There are 4 principal types of airsoft replica available, known as spring, electric, gas and high force per unit area air.

The vast bulk of airsoft replicas are loaded with ammunition via magazines, in the aforementioned fashion as real guns. Nigh modernistic airsoft replicas accept the power system mounted internally then there are no wires or pipes connecting you to the replica and hindering your movement.

Jump powered replicas

The near basic are spring powered replicas. They use a hand operated mechanism to pull a piston against spring pressure and lock it back, whilst loading a BB into the hop unit. The trigger releases the lock and allows the spring to push button the piston through a cylinder, speedily expelling the air inside the cylinder through the hop unit of measurement and accelerating the BB downwardly the barrel.

This category includes inexpensive single shot pistols like the two tones you will see in hobby shops, just also include skirmishable weapons, such as shotguns and sniper rifles.

Spring shotguns are a viable alternative to an AEG, they can exist constructive and fun to employ but require a college skill level than automatic replicas.

Sniper rifles are the almost mutual spring weapons found at skirmishes. These may fire BB's to the same or greater range than a regular airsoft replica, depending on many factors, merely the main reason to use them is that they can fire with greater accuracy than other airsoft replicas. Information technology is advisable to forget about sniper rifles until you lot are able to use an AEG well. Well-nigh new players harbour a fantasy of being an elite sniper, only new players will fail miserably if they try and learn how to use a bolt action weapon before they accept the skill to use an assail rifle in airsoft.

Automatic Electrical Gun

The most common replica establish at skirmishes is the AEG, automatic electric gun. These are powered by a rechargeable RC automobile/plane type battery. They operate in the aforementioned manner as a spring powered replica, except that the piston is pulled back past a gear up of gears driven by an electrical motor. As such the only input required from the player to unleash fully automatic fire is a pull of the trigger. They all have prophylactic catches and most are capable of firing in fully automated and semi automatic modes. Some can fire bursts of 3 or more rounds. They are uncomplicated to use and inexpensive to run, requiring you to merely recharge the battery at the end of the game twenty-four hour period. Most are very reliable and depression maintenance. These factors make AEGs by far the most popular type of airsoft skirmish replica.

Nearly every well known assault rifle or sub machine gun in the world has an AEG analogue available. Typical AEG's have a range of about 40 feet and burn down 15-twenty BB'south per second.

Electric pistols also exist and function in the same style, just they are relatively low powered.

Gas powered replicas

Gas weapons shop compressed propellant gasses and utilize a series of valves to release the gas into the hop unit. The BB is and then propelled up the butt as the gas expands. The gas is often contained in the magazine and so that a fresh charge is placed into the replica at the same fourth dimension as the BB reload. Gas weapons do non role well outside of British summertime equally the gas will be at lower temperature (and thereby pressure) than was expected by the airsoft designers in Eastern asia. Gas weapons can also endure from leakage in the mag seals and require regular cleaning to function properly. Gas enthusiasts assert that the increased realism of the gas weapons function and its instant trigger response make up for these shortfalls.

The about common type of gas weapon is the gas blowback (GBB) pistol. These appear to function like a real pistol, the top slide moves sharply dorsum when the trigger is pulled and you lot feel a certain amount of recoil. You lot will also see GBB rifles, which are less practical, more expensive and generally less reliable than AEG's but offer an enjoyable firing experience.

You also detect 40mm 'grenade launchers', often mounted under an AEG, which burn down 24-grand BB'southward (dependant on size) in one shot from each grenade shell. These are only really effective in close quarters just the weight of fire volition certainly intimidate your opponent!

Gas sniper rifles, non blowback (NBB) gas pistols and gas shotguns are also bachelor but are less common.

The different propellent gasses available are commonly divided into 134a (lower power), green gas (higher power, increased strain on replica) and blood-red/blackness gas (fifty-fifty higher power). Gas tin can be bought from shops or at the playing site. Unlike replicas are designed to use different power gasses. Some players use propane (normal camping stove gas) by using a special airsoft adapter on the can.

Hop Upwardly

Whatever good airsoft replica is fitted with hop up. This clever machinery is a chamber which forces an adjustable amount of backspin onto a BB when fired. When hop is correctly adjusted the BB will fly in a direct line for a long distance until it loses momentum and drops to the ground very quickly, rather than dropping in a abiding arc over altitude. Unlike a paintball marker you practice not need to aim up and lob your shots onto your target, you tin can shoot directly and use the weapon sights (or fifty-fifty use a telescopic scope) to make accurate shots.


Airsoft replicas can be fitted with standard or mid capacity magazines, which feed 60-150 bb's, (dependant on magazine size), via a jump, like a real mag. They are loaded by putting BB's in the top of them with a loading tool. Mag capacity is ofttimes proportional to mag external size, and then a larger calibre weapon similar a 7.62 G3 has an airsoft magazine that holds more a pocket-size calibre 9mm MP5 magazine. Some players adopt mags which concur the same number of BB'due south every bit the real thing, known as real cap mags. Gas weapons use standard type mags but take a reduced capacity as some of the space in the mag is occupied past the gas reservoir.

The most popular mags for AEG'south are high capacity magazines, which concord a reservoir of 200-600 BB's and feed them via clockwork way machinery. 'Hi-cap' magazines are loaded past pouring BB's into the opening at the top and require the player to current of air the clockwork spring via a wheel on the lesser.

Closely related to Hi-caps are drum or box magazines, which are oft found on back up weapons. These use the aforementioned mechanism as hi-caps but have a bigger reservoir of 2000-6000 BB'south. Some of these magazines air current the feed leap past an electrical motor.


The stock or fore grip of an AEG ordinarily contains the battery.

The physical size of the cells in your battery usually determines how much accuse it is rated to hold and thereby how many times it will fire your replica before information technology runs out. Accuse capacity is measured in milliampere hours (mAh).

The number of cells determines the force that the replica can extract from that bombardment at a given time and thereby determines rate of fire and trigger response (measured in volts).

NiMH (nickel-metal hydride) are the 'standard' batteries which require a basic charger and are very safe to use. The disadvantage is that the large NiMH batteries are bulky and require a large space inside the AEG to store them (such every bit inside a solid stock). Pocket-sized NiMH batteries overcome the size issue simply practise not last for long so you volition find the bombardment volition run out after 1000 rounds or and then and you take to swap it mid game. AEG's are usually designed to run on eight.4 volt NiMH batteries.

Lithium battery types (Li-Po, Li-ion, Li-Fe etc.) have combined the size of mini bombardment with a chapters of a large battery. Lithium batteries are somewhat volatile; if they are incorrectly charged or shorted out or punctured they will rapidly 'airship', discharging noxious gasses and enough rut to beginning fires and melt plastics. As long as you are careful when handling the battery, plus y'all buy a quality bombardment and a quality charger with a cell balancer, you are unlikely to experience any bug. Lithium batteries will be permanently damaged if you run them till empty. You lot tin fit an alert in your replica which lets you know when your battery has dropped to critical capacity. As well as volts and milliampere hours a li-po bombardment has a C rating, the loftier C rating cells have a greater ability to satisfy rapid peak ability demands.

Do not make the fault of thinking that AEG range is affected by battery or motor ability, but rate of burn down and trigger response is afflicted. The bound moves the piston forward at the same altitude at the same speed and is not related to the force supplied past the motor.

Some AEGs employ a 'proprietary' battery, which is to say that the shape of the battery must exist tailored to the infinite available in that item replica.


Most skirmish quality ammo (Bbs) is similar only you must always apply skirmish quality ammo that can be bought from airsoft sites and shops. One-time you can discover cheap ammo in supermarkets and high street shops, merely y'all should never utilize this as it will almost certainly jam in the barrel of a skillful quality replica, and tin can cause damage as a result. Some brands of skirmish quality ammo will still give erratic flight paths and some brands exercise not feed from magazines very well, just if y'all ask your fellow players you will soon find out which good brands are available and cheap at the moment (it changes year by twelvemonth). You can always purchase ammo on site only will be more expensive than if yous buy information technology in bulk from a shop. Never ever reuse ammo that has been fired already; even if information technology looks undamaged it will accept internal cracks and is likely to intermission apart in your replica when you try and burn information technology. Unlike weights of ammo are available but stick with 0.20g or 0.25g Bbs; heavier ammo doesn't really assist you when using stock replicas at U.k. power limits. Airsoft Bulletin board system are available in anything from 0.12g to 0.50g.

6mm is the industry standard but a scattering of 8mm replicas exist. AEG'south are almost always 6mm only may be advertised with 7mm and 8mm gearboxes. This is the size of the gear axle bearings and not the ammunition used.


About airsoft replicas can be fitted with internal upgrades which may heighten the durability, rate of burn down or range. Players will absolutely non demand upgrades to be competitive and they can exist hard to fit. In addition a new replica will exist reliable for a long time if you lot do not mess with the internal parts, so for those two reasons we recommend that yous forget about upgrades until you have been playing for a while.

Your first replica

Yous don't need a replica right away and won't be able to buy one right away either. We propose you lot go to a site, rent a replica, enquire people if you tin can look at theirs (they volition often exist keen to bear witness off their shiny toys!) and make a decision based on get-go hand data.

That said, you are probably browsing websites for your beginning buy already! Guns are absurd and playing soldier is fun, you desire to own a replica firearm ASAP and at that place's zippo wrong with that, but if y'all have a piffling patience you will be able to go an awesome replica equally opposed to rushing in and having to buy one painted up like a kid'south toy!

Choosing your beginning replica is an important decision. Get-go off, it needs to be an AEG. They are the virtually versatile and reliable blazon you can buy. You volition demand every reward you tin can get when you are learning how to play! There are few bad AEGs, just different AEGs for different situations and different personal preferences. Your first replica should meet the following requirements –

  • hi-cap magazines available
  • large blazon bombardment compartment (unless you are going to invest in a lithium battery and charger)
  • Short enough overall length to utilise in urban games (not much bigger than a carbine)
  • Long enough barrel to work well in woodland (no automobile pistols or micro SMGs)

About importantly, you must enjoy the look and feel of your called replica!

Most assault rifles and SMGs fit into the above requirements, such equally AK47, G36, MP5, SCAR, bullpup rifles (rifles with the magazine behind the pistol grip) and M4.

The quality of each make can range from nearly perfect replicas to rough knock offs, and there are far too many brands to talk about here. If you lot can but beget a Chinese clone such as JG, D-boys or CYMA then that'southward non a problem as generally they await practiced and the gearboxes are very durable. Be sure that any replica you purchase is nether the legal limits for airsoft replicas in the jurisdiction you're in, we recommend getting it chronographed at the shop when y'all buy it.

Something to think about is the 'weapon system' concept. In the British Army your burglarize is office of a weapon organization, that is to say that it is non simply the rifle, it is besides magazines, ammunition, mag pouches, sights and cleaning kit that are all essential to laying down effective fire. If yous expect at your airsoft kit in the same way you lot can see that bringing a new AEG 'weapon system' to a game means not just buying a replica but also possessing the appropriate

  • Bombardment
  • Charger
  • Magazines
  • Magazine pouches
  • Carrying case

Safety in the home

If you've bought an airsoft replica, you are going to be cracking to go information technology out of the box and loaded upwards then you can shoot up some coke cans in the garden! The vast majority of airsoft replica injuries occur in the dwelling house (every bit the editor of this guide will testify), not on airsoft sites, and that includes the loss of an eye on a few occasions. You lot can virtually eliminate this risk by setting simple rules and never making exceptions.

  • Never insert the magazine and release the safety until yous are completely gear up to fire at a target.
  • Practise non impact the trigger until you have aimed at the target
  • Never leave your replica loaded and unattended.
  • Don't always point or fire your replica at someone who is not wearing protective equipment, even if you think it is unloaded.
  • When firing in your dorsum garden, be aware of overlooking neighbours who may exist alarmed past seeing your replica.
  • The shooter and observers should all wear eye protection in case of rebounding BBs (shooting against a draped towel will reduce mess and rebounds).
  • Consider what is behind your target
  • Be aware that BBs may damage things like furniture, plants, plaster and drinking glass.
  • A few Bulletin board system ofttimes stay in the replica later on removal of the magazine; it must be fired a few times in a safe direction subsequently removal of the mag, to articulate them out.
  • Never under any circumstances await downward the barrel of the replica or concur the end of the muzzle when pulling the trigger.
  • Pay detail attention to weapon safety when repairing and testing your replica as it is very piece of cake to lose rails of the rubber condition after a jam or breakage.
  • Do not trust anyone with your replica when it is loaded if they have never been taught how to handle a firearm.
  • When placed in storage, disconnect the bombardment

The idea is that in the home you should treat an airsoft replica like a existent firearm. The core concept of firearms safety is to always care for a replica as if it it is loaded and set up to burn. Stupid accidents will happen to all players who get too casual with airsoft safety. Also, always fire your AEG on semi-automobile with no magazine fitted before putting information technology away. This resets the firing machinery and volition help prevent your jump being weakened over time.

Eye and Face Protection

Your chief business, the offset item y'all should purchase, is a face mask. Mesh goggles consist of a steel mesh which stops the BB and the only vision impairment is that the mesh makes the environment appear slightly darker. Lens masks and shooting glasses have a clear plastic viewing lens which allows greater visibility merely tend to fog upward during physical exertion. Thermal lenses and fan units in your goggles can reduce fogging. Not all heart protection you observe in the world is BB proof so purchase eye protection rated for shooting, airsoft or paintball. Some ballistic glasses on some people's faces will leave a gap which could let Bbs in to your eye area and then goggles may be preferable.

Equally you are probably aware, incorrect/dangerous use of an airsoft replica will easily crusade catastrophic damage to eyes, merely what most people don't realise is that they volition also shoot out your teeth with ease. For this reason, and to forbid unsightly striking marks on your face, you lot should wear a full face mask. These sometimes have goggles with integrated solid lower face protection, or you lot can purchase a lower confront mask (often mesh) which straps to your face to compliment your goggles. You tin can wear a scarf or soft mask over your lower confront just this may nevertheless not slow a BB enough to save your teeth. It is fashionable to vesture middle protection with no lower face protection as it looks more authentic, still if you play like this for long enough then the risk of losing teeth becomes much higher and shattered teeth are not an uncommon sight at skirmishes, even though it is piece of cake to prevent and tin exist extremely painful.

Also recall that y'all are provided with only ane set of eyes – so brand your safety purchases very carefully.


It is advisable to pick up a pair of army result assault boots, possibly from a surplus shop. Soldiers who use them daily criticise them for existence uncomfortable, merely you will probably exist using them once a month so they will be entirely tolerable. Once cleaved in they will give you groovy traction and ankle protection and will concluding for years if cleaned and stored correctly. After market (non military issue) boots in the aforementioned toll range as assault boots will barely last a year before they fall apart.

Boots are worth the investment to keep your anxiety dry, warm, increase you grip and protect your ankles. Trainers are a poor choice, specially in woodland games; they ruin your camouflage, look stupid and significantly increase the adventure that you volition sprain or break you ankle (painfully sprained ankles are the well-nigh common injury in airsoft). It is the same every bit buying a mask; if y'all buy a gun before yous buy boots then you have made a big mistake.


For you starting time few games a dark coloured hoodie and some old jeans volition be sufficient, but the big attraction of airsoft for many people is dressing up in absurd kit and mostly looking like a badass.

Shallow? Probably. Fun? Definitely!

You can obtain the equipment and compatible of practically any army in the world, past or present, if y'all are willing to pay for it. You tin fifty-fifty have your kit custom made. There are e'er sheep-like uniform trends which come and get but yous are not obliged to article of clothing annihilation in particular unless you go to an unusual scenario day where you have to correspond a particular fighting force.

You may be tempted to get a full prepare of uniform and kit before your outset game merely you may then find that your local site or you lot play style doesn't fit what yous had in mind, then information technology is much more sensible to become something cheap from an army surplus shop and upscale your gear later on on.

The best stuff you tin get in the Uk is British DPM. It is cheap, difficult wearing, good camouflage and comfortable. The marketplace is flooded with excellent quality DPM due to the introduction of MTP to the British armed forces a few years ago. Yous should start by getting a shirt or jacket and a pair of trousers. If you are not buying a fix of load carrying equipment (LCE) look for a jacket with pockets that you lot can put your spare ammo and magazines into.

Load Carrying Equipment

Probably the most complex item to select outside of which replica to choose would be your LCE, or "kit". This is the gear you use to carry your magazines, loose ammo and grenades. Depending on personal preference and the game scenario yous might also carry a sidearm, radio, water, clothing, a combi tool and food. The main types of LCE are:

  • Chest rig: Strip of pouches which sits across the front of your torso, usually held by crossed shoulder straps
  • Assault vest: Covers your unabridged torso like a regular vest, maximising area available for pouches.
  • Plate carrier: And so named because they are designed to hold armour plates in the real world, these ordinarily wrap effectually your waist and sides similar a big breast rig with an additional small console higher on your chest.
  • Chugalug kit: The more traditional method of carrying gear, this is a waist chugalug with the pouches mounted on it, normally with a 'yoke' over the shoulders to support the weight

In the concluding decade 'Molle' has become a firm favourite system for real and airsoft LCE. It takes the form of vests and carriers with no pouches; instead they are covered with horizontal loops of textile at set spaces to which you adhere special pouches. Pouches of every conceivable size and shape are bachelor, these have matching loops and vertical strip of material which is woven through the pouch and vest loops. The stop upshot is that you tin can constantly re-configure your entire LCE for personal preference or endlessly modify it to conform each game or weapon organization.

Information technology is a good idea to purchase LCE in a solid colour such equally black, brown or green. When you buy jacket/trousers in a new camo pattern you may then need to replace your LCE too, if you have bought LCE in a specific camouflage pattern.

All players, particularly new ones, should as well be wary of wearing all enclosing or thick skinned LCE such every bit assault vests as information technology is very hard to feel hits through them. You lot must learn to tell when you have been hit from sounds and other signs, not so like shooting fish in a barrel if you don't even so know what it's like to be striking!

Other Kit

Wearing a pair of gloves is a good idea as it hurts when you go shot on the hand, cheap ones will suffice in the short term then long as you can still safely handle your airsoft replica.

A hat or head wrap is advisable every bit headshots can hurt. Headgear will also amend your camouflage, only it is not mandatory. Be conscious of how a chapeau may interface with your goggles.

When you outset playing more seriously yous may want to buy a waterproof 'Gore-Tex' jacket and a warm clothing layer, in example you go caught out in the rain or have to wait for game start in the cold. You lot will shrug off most of the furnishings of common cold and damp when y'all exert energy in game, but if you really get caught out and get uncomfortable then you lot will find that your performance drops dramatically. Worst of all, you might cease to savor the game.

Going to a Game

First, find an airsoft site to go to. There are many splendid directories out there, including the one provided past Airsoft Nation.

Next, book yourself in, usually by emailing the game organiser from their website.

It is highly recommended that you lot drag a friend or two along to split fuel costs (you might get lucky and your friend might get into airsoft as well). Don't worry about bringing a big group of people like you frequently have to with paintball, in airsoft yous will ever team up with other players on site. If your group doesn't have access to a car, then unfortunately it may be difficult to play airsoft long term as airsoft sites are usually in the middle of nowhere.

Typical Game Mean solar day

So information technology's a Sun morning, and you lot are off to your get-go game. This is the most important step you can accept. So many people just never get as far as going to a game. There are thousands of people who waffle incessantly about how they are going to play airsoft, but lack the enthusiasm to go to a game! Once you get at that place yous will desire to get once again and over again, but the thought of getting up early on a Lord's day and spending £twoscore on a day out tin stop many people coming, even if they accept booked in. If you sacrifice one otherwise wasted Lord's day and commit less greenbacks than a night out, you will quickly find yourself function of an enriching, rewarding hobby where you will see (and shoot) some great people and have some memorable adventures!

Bring a bottle of h2o and some luncheon if food isn't provided. You will certainly demand to beverage water throughout the day fifty-fifty if it'due south cold out.

Try and plow up before 9am. Game briefings usually commence at 10am, and so this gives you an hr to chat with the local players, and if you've requested a "hire gun" – be issued with your replica for the day, load upward and burn down a few times on the range. At around 10am, the head marshal will brief anybody for the day. It is very important that y'all pay attending to this cursory, as they may mention game and safe rules that are unique to that site. Safe briefing and first game setup should take no longer than half an hour. Commonly y'all will have an hour break for lunch, food is sometimes provided. Depending on how difficult games accept been the staff will usually call it a 24-hour interval between 4pm and 5pm. The players are usually tired by this betoken and offset to pack up anyway!

At a minority of sites yous will stay away from the safe area all mean solar day, or more often not return to information technology till lunch. Enquire one of the Marshall if this is will exist the case, if it is then you volition accept to take all of your stuff with you lot. At a few small sites you will may be returning to the rubber area later every game.

Site Safety

Never load your replica in the rubber zone, and always wearable goggles when in the playing area. Marshals volition direct you and you must e'er obey their commands. If in doubt, have your goggles on and replica unloaded. When testing an unloaded AEG to see if the battery is working ever cover the muzzle by poking information technology into your boot or your kit.

We will refrain from explaining in bang-up detail the rules most sites employ, only the one affair to behave in mind is to not shout "Human being downwards!" whenever you have been eliminated in a game.

"Homo down" is an emergency call almost e'er reserved for when a thespian has get injured during a skirmish, and requires medical attention by the on-site commencement aider. When this is called, y'all will often hear a shout for "ceasefire" which will require you to make your replicas rubber.

You must follow the direction of the marshals when it comes to safety.

Summary and Credits

To have the next step into airsoft skirmishing please take a wait at the links on our website and look at joining UKAPU. We can't continue to support and encourage new players without players supporting u.s.a.. All of us at UKAPU are out at that place fighting for airsoft players rights.

If you have any comments on this guide please exercise not hesitate to allow u.s. know. Any positive comments will happily be accustomed and any negative comments will exist begrudgingly accustomed and nosotros'll endeavor to figure out how to take those comments on board.

Although many people will display an interest in airsoft, very few of them actually have the conviction and motivation to turn up to a game. We at UKAPU hope you take the plunge and nourish an airsoft game one day – and who knows, maybe you'll stay, mayhap you won't, maybe you'll get a rather valued member of our amazing customs.

Originally by Matt Furey-Rex and painfully curated by David Weston and the rest of the UKAPU committee, with images from UKAPU members past and present (including the curator and his friends), Graham and Darwin from Airsoft Nation, Snoopys Snaps and Airsoft Addict. We hope you have not fallen asleep besides many times.

Bare Minimum to Get Into Airsoft

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